The past month has only accelerated the feeling that life is passing by too quickly. I spent some time in the US for the holidays. I just couldn’t go one more year without a White Christmas or knowing what it felt like to be cold. It was great to see the snow and feel the cold and even greater to leave knowing I wouldn’t have to drive in it and deal with it for the next 3 months.
After some very welcome R&R in the States, my younger sister came and visited me here in the DR for a couple weeks. We traveled around the entire country, jumped off waterfalls, hung out in bateyes, hit the beach, camped in the clouds, celebrated a New Year and her 20th birthday. It was a whirlwind of a trip and a great way to kick off 2011.
Now it’s back to the grind and trying to get as much as possible accomplished before these last 10 months disappear as quickly as the first 17 did.
I'm usually not one to make New Year's Resolutions, but this year it seems almost necessary as my time here ticks away.
One thing I really hope to do is the write and blog more often so as to better document this experience and share my life here with people back home. This is a resolution I am pretty confident I can do.
Another is to start weaning myself off of meat. I am far too weak to become a full-fledged vegetarian, but I would certainly like to start eating less meat before my impending arrival back in the US of A. I'll start out as a weekday (okay, maybe 4 days a week) vegetarian and go from there. This resolution may be harder to uphold.
I would resolve (as most everyone does) to exercise more but I know myself too well for that. Playing basketball and volleyball in the batey will just have to be enough.
And lastly I intend to spend more time in my site and focus on the community and the things we are trying to achieve. I've had some great fun in this country and traveled a lot. In the next 10 months I want to focus more on work and less on play.
Happy New Year - Feliz Año Nuevo - Welcome 2011
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