For a week we heard words of wisdom from a number of RPCVs, including International Peace Corps Director Aaron Williams and Senator Chris Dodd. It was incredibly inspiring meet so many accomplished people and to get a glimpse into the potential futures of many of us current Volunteers.
A host of current Volunteers spent nearly an entire year planning this reunion, complete with a conference full of presentations by current and former Volunteers. We were invited to a reception at the Ambassador’s home and other swanky events in Santo Domingo. We got to share our projects and the modern day Peace Corps Dominican Republic while learning about how things were here in Peace Corps’ infancy. It is incredible how much has changed over time and, at the exact same time, incredible how much has remained the same.
While 50 Years is a great milestone to hit, it also means there is much work to be done. The ultimate success of the Peace Corps in any one country would be to assist that country in reaching a level of development in which they would no longer need our services. So while celebrating 50 years and looking back at the great work that has been done is important, it is equally important that our work continue and improve to a level that ensures that no 100 year anniversary of Peace Corps in the DR be will necessary.

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